Yes..I know there is no word called 'Idle - ization', but yeah it means being in the state of idleness or whatever u want it to be....m just writing what comes to mind :P
Anyways, its the Thanksgiving weekend....(u knw...the tradition in America where people eat a lot of food and shop a lot and get fat...and yeah...they do a lot of thanking as well :p) . Well anyways, this is a long weekend and what better time to write a blog. So on this festive occasion, lets thank the good things in our lives. Now now...m not trying to be a preacher ...but yeah we all could use a bit of thanking...atleast after the hogging that we do each time there is a family get together :P
Back to the adventures of our fictitious(imaginary in case you din't know the meaning :P) characters Rahul and Neha, saving the world from boredom :P
"We all should be thankful", says Rahul(R). Yes geniuses 'R' and 'N' stand for Rahul and Neha
Neha(N): "But why....m so bugged with life...there is no excitement"
R: "Well, what is missing from your life"
N:"I dunno...being away from parents....this stupid weather....all this festive cheer...aargh"
R: "There there.....its not that bad...u must be thankful about someone standing next to you right now :P"
N: "Ohh...u...whats so special....i see u everyday...whats special about that"
R: "Well....don't be so sure...u never knw."
The next day...Rahul invites Neha to a small get together to his place.
N: "Yeah yeah....m almost der....gimme 10 mins i'll be at your house"
R: "I've got a surprise for you"
N: "Ya rite...."
Neha, rings the doorbell. Rahul asks her to close her eyes and takes her to the hall.
N: "Oh c'mon....m not a child....tell me already"
R: "Wait for it....are u ready?"
N: "ya ya....can i open my eyes already?"
R: "Go on"
Neha opens her eyes....and all the people in the room yell out "S U R P R I S E!"
Yes, the spaces were necessary between the letters :P
Anyways, Neha sees the room full of her friends, her parents, a big cake and other yummy dishes...u knw the kind u find at parties :P
N: "Oh my god...I am shocked! Mom , did u get here?"
Mom and Dad: "Rahul invites us ...he took care of the whole party"
N: ""
She goes to the has a note which reads "Happy Birthday! I told u there was a surprise".
N: "Oh man....where is Rahul?"
Mom & Dad: "He left...he had to catch a flight"
.....To be continued
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I just saw the movie "Wake up Sid". For those who have not seen the movie, its about a rich kid who fails in academics, has no goals n basically is jus out there to enjoy life. Its about how he leaves his house, goes thru the hardships, becomes successful and makes some really good friends along the way. I'm sure you must be thinking "Damn it, why did he have to tell the story.....Ive yet to see the movie....."
This got me into thinking made me realize that in our usual life troubles....we are not thankful enough to see the little things that make our life worth living. Well, I need to thank a lotta people. As some wise man has rightly said "The only friends worth having are those who make u feel good about urself"....btw the wise man is me
In our lives we meet so many people.....we make so many friends....but at the end of the day...just take some time and think about your life....think about something fun.....the first people that come to your mind are your real friends. Try it.
I know , i know....u mustve already heard about this....but just keep gets interesting. How often do we thank the people who are there for us? How often do we make them feel special often do we tell them "thanks". Not that many times right.
Everyone has problems in their lives....we all have shit going on...mind the languaage..:P....but seriously think about it.
"You never know what you have, until you lose it" just go and call up your real good friends.....tell them how much you appreciate their being there for you when others had deserted you....tell them how much you enjoy their short....make their works me :P
I know you must be thinking......"this guy is not saying thanks n asking us to do it....."..well here goes....
I would like to take this opportunity to thank.....haha....its not gonna be a boring
Well....ive had many friends....many good ...many in touch ...many who have lost touch....many who I hated first.....many who i hate now kidding. There are a select group of people....who always make me feel good about myself....
Life is it up....
Heres to all my friends who have come into my life and made it worth living....heres to the evenings spent laughing at other's mistakes while realisiing our own.....heres to the reunions and the movie outings......heres to the endless planning for outings ...creating a mess of things...n enjoying it to the fullest......heres to the best times of our lives...Cheers guys!
This got me into thinking made me realize that in our usual life troubles....we are not thankful enough to see the little things that make our life worth living. Well, I need to thank a lotta people. As some wise man has rightly said "The only friends worth having are those who make u feel good about urself"....btw the wise man is me
In our lives we meet so many people.....we make so many friends....but at the end of the day...just take some time and think about your life....think about something fun.....the first people that come to your mind are your real friends. Try it.
I know , i know....u mustve already heard about this....but just keep gets interesting. How often do we thank the people who are there for us? How often do we make them feel special often do we tell them "thanks". Not that many times right.
Everyone has problems in their lives....we all have shit going on...mind the languaage..:P....but seriously think about it.
"You never know what you have, until you lose it" just go and call up your real good friends.....tell them how much you appreciate their being there for you when others had deserted you....tell them how much you enjoy their short....make their works me :P
I know you must be thinking......"this guy is not saying thanks n asking us to do it....."..well here goes....
I would like to take this opportunity to thank.....haha....its not gonna be a boring
Well....ive had many friends....many good ...many in touch ...many who have lost touch....many who I hated first.....many who i hate now kidding. There are a select group of people....who always make me feel good about myself....
Life is it up....
Heres to all my friends who have come into my life and made it worth living....heres to the evenings spent laughing at other's mistakes while realisiing our own.....heres to the reunions and the movie outings......heres to the endless planning for outings ...creating a mess of things...n enjoying it to the fullest......heres to the best times of our lives...Cheers guys!
Monday, May 18, 2009
The same old complaint
hmm.....whats the same old complaint? on to find out. Have you ever wondered why you are still single when all your friends get that special someone into their lives......if the answer is yes, then this is the story for you. If your answer is 'No', read on ....hehe....u're sure to get a few laughs.
Back to the adventures of our fictitious(imaginary in case you din't know the meaning :P) characters Rahul and Neha, saving the world from boredom :P
Our famous & brave trooper Rahul (the favorite character in all my blogs) starts this story with a visit to his favorite non social networking site (aka Facebook / Orkut).....i know all of u guys check it atleast once a day...if not....get yourself checked by a doctor :P...lolz. So one day, Rahul notices that another of his female friends (a good looking one) has changed her status to "committed"...aah...those magic words. They give your Orkut/ facebook page a whole new meaning ...dont u think? :P..Suddenly he finds the display pic of her friend (lets call her Neha..if youve been reading my blogs ...u'd know dese names by now). Neha's display pic has been aptly changed showing her "significant other". Both are smiling.....damn :P "When did this happen and who is this guy, Neha never mentioned his name before" thinks Rahul.
"When did this happen?" Rahul asks Neha when they meet. Neha answers, "We've been good friends for a while ....". Rahul is perplexed....He experiences a mixture of emotions, happy (for his good friend Neha ofcourse :P) confusion, suprised etc
Now starts the introspection phase....I'm sure we all have gone thru don't lie....m sure u'll relate to it. Rahul thinks , "Why am i still single? Have I lost the race to become committed? Am i ugly...why is this happening to me...aaargh! Well I'll just wait for the right time , the right place, the right person. " And so he waits......and waits......has he found someone yet?....NO....hes still waiting :P...lolz
Well, why can't our main lead character find his leading lady?....Is there something wrong with the script?....No...duhh....its just life :P.....Lets analyze. There can be several reasons:
1. Rahul can't talk properly....(Nopes...he does have a decent number of female friends and they do talk....:P)
2. He's not humorous....(False....Rahul does possess a fair amount of sense of humour....and gals do laugh in his company....and sometimes at his silly antics ...lolz)
3. He's not a good listener (False.....he does listen ....and sometimes falls asleep as well :P)
Then why oh why is our lead character still single?.....Well....the answer lies out there...."The truth is out there ....somewhere ....or atleast that is what we hope to believe :P
In the meanwhile enjoy this video....which is reminiscent of what happens when your fan stops working...what?.".NO AIR."...lolz
Back to the adventures of our fictitious(imaginary in case you din't know the meaning :P) characters Rahul and Neha, saving the world from boredom :P
Our famous & brave trooper Rahul (the favorite character in all my blogs) starts this story with a visit to his favorite non social networking site (aka Facebook / Orkut).....i know all of u guys check it atleast once a day...if not....get yourself checked by a doctor :P...lolz. So one day, Rahul notices that another of his female friends (a good looking one) has changed her status to "committed"...aah...those magic words. They give your Orkut/ facebook page a whole new meaning ...dont u think? :P..Suddenly he finds the display pic of her friend (lets call her Neha..if youve been reading my blogs ...u'd know dese names by now). Neha's display pic has been aptly changed showing her "significant other". Both are smiling.....damn :P "When did this happen and who is this guy, Neha never mentioned his name before" thinks Rahul.
"When did this happen?" Rahul asks Neha when they meet. Neha answers, "We've been good friends for a while ....". Rahul is perplexed....He experiences a mixture of emotions, happy (for his good friend Neha ofcourse :P) confusion, suprised etc
Now starts the introspection phase....I'm sure we all have gone thru don't lie....m sure u'll relate to it. Rahul thinks , "Why am i still single? Have I lost the race to become committed? Am i ugly...why is this happening to me...aaargh! Well I'll just wait for the right time , the right place, the right person. " And so he waits......and waits......has he found someone yet?....NO....hes still waiting :P...lolz
Well, why can't our main lead character find his leading lady?....Is there something wrong with the script?....No...duhh....its just life :P.....Lets analyze. There can be several reasons:
1. Rahul can't talk properly....(Nopes...he does have a decent number of female friends and they do talk....:P)
2. He's not humorous....(False....Rahul does possess a fair amount of sense of humour....and gals do laugh in his company....and sometimes at his silly antics ...lolz)
3. He's not a good listener (False.....he does listen ....and sometimes falls asleep as well :P)
Then why oh why is our lead character still single?.....Well....the answer lies out there...."The truth is out there ....somewhere ....or atleast that is what we hope to believe :P
In the meanwhile enjoy this video....which is reminiscent of what happens when your fan stops working...what?.".NO AIR."...lolz
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Money matters
As you all know by now, the economic recession has affected all of us in some way or another.....i e if you not filthy rich ......lolz. Its the season of cost cutting and lay has it really affected us?....well.. i think each person can answer that better.
But as they say...."the best things in life are free"
1. The awesome monsoon weather......when it seems like lonavla right there in Mumbai.
2. Friends calling up in the middle of the night .....i know its costs u a lotta money...but i have a point here.....
3. The random name calling session when we just sit and reminisce on the fun and dorky times we had in the past
4. The seemingly awesome outting plan which gets ruined by the traffic / weather....but u end up having a great time anyway!
Well as they say in the Mastercard ad
Designer clothers : Rs 500 say the least...unless u are really good at bargaining :P
tickets to Movie with friends : Rs 200....assuming u go to a decent multiplex...and the movie is doing fairly good....lolz
popcorn: Rs 40...thats the price last time i checked.......i know... really expensive right......why dont they allow us to carry our own food stuff in the theater.
Dinner after movie and table booking for the entire group : Rs does get everyone's contribution u end up paying quite less.....
Amazing outing with friends which you remember even after 3 years: Priceless
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Guten tag....its Photo tag !....lolz

Now the title may seem confusing....but "Guten tag" means good day in german......thnk god....i alteast ended up learning some german from a certain German lady on orkut...lolz
This is the pic taken during the Matheran trip from the 10th std vacation days a.k.a bliss! It was an amazing trip for a lotta reasons......
1. I never knew Matheran could be so exciting......
2. The sky view from Matheran @ night ....was the "best ever".....havent seen so many gazillion stars in ma entire life!
3. It was a memorable trip for the "sexy 7" ....dats wht we called our there were 7 of us ....n we were apparently sexy......don't u think
4. Trekked thru all the freakin trails of Matheran tirelessly n actually had fun........da smell of horseshit on the trail does have dat effect on me ...:P
5. Had an amazing bonfire.....wid the talli std 12th guys who apparently dint get enough of the song "main jaagi saari raath.....soniyo ve".....guess its the national anthem for boozers
All in trip ever.........btw as you can see in the pic.....we all looked pretty different and beyond would even think its some other guys posing as us in the pic....but no.....its us!
Until the next adventure of the "sexy 7" ...cheers!
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